UPDATE 10/14/2011: noticed a typo and just changed it. I had originally stated, later in this article, “eople seem to think that dietary fat does not go directly to your hips/belly.” It should have read “People seem to think that dietary fat GOES directly to your hips/belly.” A crucial typo. It’s been changed.
This blog seems to be gaining traction. I’ve had a number of requests (through email and Facebook) from old friends, relatives, and acquaintances asking me if this way of eating really works or if I’m just posting this stuff to make money through Google’s AdSense program. I assure you, the pennies a day that this blog currently generate from the ads (because let’s face it, the vast majority of site visitors do not click on ads). I started this blog more so to chart my progress and extol the benefits of this way of eating, and I am hoping to get into the LCHF ‘blogosphere’ so that other low-carbers will comment on the many questions I’ll undoubtedly have in the future, and will post here.
To my surprise, this week, after watching my weight loss success and listening to me incessantly go on and on (and on and on) about how great I feel now that I kicked the sugars and starches via LCHF, my wife decided to join me in this way of eating. I love her the way she is, but she’s unhappy with her weight. She’s fine with me posting her progress on this blog, so I will provide updates from time to time.
Advice for Beginners
The following advice is for overweight and obese people. If you are one of the lucky people whose body is not suffering from hyperinsulinism and can process carbohydrates properly, then you likely are also one of those folks that has been in decent shape most of their lives and just need to shed a handful of pounds, likely due to age. If that’s the case, then you don’t need such a radical change of diet. Just skip dessert for a few weeks. This advice is for people like me who have been fat most of their lives. Lucky people like you can actually lose weight on a low-fat diet.